Why Manufacturers are Rapidly Adopting Cloud Technologies

 “Cloud-based software is gaining traction in the industrial world as companies realize the benefits of reducing upfront costs, scaling more easily and producing new revenue from data.” Automation World
The cloud is becoming an essential part of the manufacturer’s IT landscape as organizations adopt Industry 4.0 solutions. Cloud-based platforms are ideal for manufacturers who want to leverage cutting-edge technology that is affordable and scalable while making a big impact on profitability and growth.  
Another factor in the rapid adoption of cloud technologies is the connectivity restraints of on-site servers. Rigid and aging  IT infrastructures can also hold organizations back from keeping up with the increasing speed, complexity and demands of modern manufacturing. 
The cloud is an accelerator of digital transformation in manufacturing companies
Cloud technology goes beyond storage and scalability. Manufacturers are able to utilize cloud platforms to optimize business processes and gain visibility into data that can inform actionable insight.
Cloud-based technologies are driving manufacturing growth by: 
  • Accelerating cycle times and innovation
  • Providing visibility into OEE
  • Removing data siloes 
  • Automating compliance and reporting
  • Reducing operational costs 
  • Expanded use of advanced analytics 
  • Increased ability to meet customer demand 
Embracing cloud computing also allows manufacturing teams to focus their energy on core business initiatives, freeing up internal resources to focus on driving value, rather than maintaining on-premise systems. 
Cloud Security 
“CIOs need to ensure that they are not holding back cloud initiatives with unsubstantiated cloud security worries,” says Jay Heiser, Vice President Analyst, Gartner. “Exaggerated fears can result in lost opportunity and inappropriate spending.”  
The security concerns of yesterday are quickly fading as cloud computing becomes the default for manufacturers of all sizes. 
Large cloud providers are equipped with multi-layered security defenses in addition to some of the world’s best computer scientists who are focused solely on security and data encryption. In comparison, IT team members at a manufacturing organization have multiple responsibilities, and typically lack the depth of expertise in security.  
“As an aerospace and defense firm, security is absolutely essential,that’s why we chose AWS Cloud,” Jeff Wright, Lockheed Martin Cloud Service Manager.       
Risk of Falling Behind 
74% of businesses believe cloud computing has given them a competitive advantage – Harvard Business Review 
As the manufacturing industry transitions to Industry 4.0, leaders in the sector are leveraging cloud computing at a rapid pace. Manufacturers that hesitate to adopt cloud technologies could miss out on the cost savings, flexibility and speed needed to remain competitive. 
Companies embracing cloud computing early will stay ahead of the competition with the ability to quickly roll out Industry 4.0 initiatives, capitalize on new business opportunities and innovate at a faster pace. 
Cost Savings
The most cloud advanced organizations see an annual benefit per cloud-based application of $3 million in additional revenues and $1 million in cost savings. IDC Research
One of the greatest benefits of cloud computing is the affordable and predictable cost structure. With the cloud, you pay only for what you actually use, and your capital isn’t tied up in expensive hardware or projects that may or may not deliver the value you seek.
Cloud computing enables manufacturers to be more efficient than competitors who spend more time and money on resources needed to manage in-house IT and other costs associated with legacy systems and complex infrastructures. 
Software as a Service (SaaS) is the most common cloud service model across companies of all sizes; 89% of companies use it somewhere in their IT environment. IDG Survey 
Automation Intellect is a cloud-based Asset Performance Management platform. Our SaaS solution provides the fastest on ramp to Industry 4.0 initiatives and ROI. Our software gives manufacturers real time, machine level data needed in order to improve machine performance, reduce downtime and increase output. 
Our pre-built solution delivers quick time to value with implementation that takes just days and ROI realized in as little as 30 days. We partner with Amazon Web Services, ranked by Gartner as the leader in cloud services. 
Benefits of Automation Intellect’s Software-as-a-Service: 
  • Fast, low disruption implementation – Implementation takes just days. We produce all the tag and configuration files for you. 
  • Highly scalable – Start with one machine or  line and scale quickly across your plant and organization.  
  • Low cost – One time, minimal implementation fee and low monthly subscription pricing. Pay only for what you monitor. 
  • Secure – Amazon Web Services is constantly upgrading and adding the latest security capabilities.