
Your data security is our top priority. Automation Intellect’s platform utilizes a multi-layered security approach to ensure that your data is available and secure.
ISO 27001 and ICECOM STAR Certified

Security starts with Policies and Procedures and ends with the highest level of infrastructure on the market.

Automation Intellect runs on the world class Amazon Web Services and EWON infrastructure. Our application utilizes data encryption, firewalls, SSL/TLS, and user authentication. We follow security guidelines set forth by ISO27001 and other frameworks.

Automation Intellect was built with features such as:

  • Administrator definable roles and responsibilities.
  • Logging of all user access and activity.
  • Multi-layered authentication.
  • Read only access to machine data.
  • Communications between all external points are fully encrypted using the SSL/TLS protocol.   This includes both the EWON infrastructure and the AWS Automation Intellect infrastructure.
  • Communication between your industrial machines and Automation Intellect is filtered and secured by IP, port, and protocol.
  • EWON and AWS utilize globally redundant infrastructures to ensure both security and reliability.
  • Automation Intellect does not grant any user access to the remote functionality of your industrial machines.