The Power of Manual Entry Screens

Enhancing Manufacturing Efficiency: The Power of Manual Entry Screens

Automation Intellect
In the discrete manufacturing landscape of 2024, embracing automation is vital for efficiency and competitiveness. However, not all manufacturers have fully transitioned into automation. Automation Intellect understands the significance of manual entry screens for manufacturers who are in the process of kickstarting their IIoT journey, and for them, this blog explores the pivotal role of manual entry screens in providing quick data integration, faster decision-making, and how they offer further clarity into automatically captured data and enable production staff to tell their story. 


Before we highlight the three major reasons for integrating manual entry screens in manufacturing, it’s essential to understand what a manual entry screen is. Put simply, a manual entry screen is a user interface within our IIoT software that facilitates manual data input, particularly beneficial for seamless integration into non-automated manufacturing sites. 



Now, let’s explore the key reasons why these screens play a crucial role in enhancing manufacturing efficiency. 

Kickstart’s clients on their IIoT journey that are not fully automated​

Is it crucial that manufacturers looking to implement IoT often have a seamless transition, even with partial automation? Manual entry screens serve as a crucial catalyst in this journey by expediting data integration efficiently and precisely. Setting up automated systems can be time-consuming, but manual entry allows for the swift incorporation of vital data, reducing setup time and enabling manufacturers to harness IIoT benefits more rapidly. 


Automation Intellect’s Manual Entry Screen


Provides Further Clarity into Automatically Captured Data

Automated data capture systems excel in efficiency, but they can lack the context provided by manual input. Manual entry screens play an indispensable role in validating data for accuracy and completeness, enhancing the quality of decision-making. The granular insights derived from manual inputs offer a level of detail and context that is indispensable for process optimization. 


Automation Intellect’s Manual Entry Screen




Enables Production Staff to Tell Their Story

One of the often-underestimated benefits of manual entry screens is their ability to empower your workforce. By allowing production staff to contribute their insights and observations, manual entry enhances their engagement and ownership of the process. Incorporating insights from your skilled workforce grants you a full spectrum view of your operations, bridging the gap between technical and human elements, which is invaluable for optimization. 


See first hand how your data management can go from looking like this –>


To this —> For your team on the plant floor to see.

Automation Intellect’s Plant View Screen  


Manual entry screens are a critical component in the modern manufacturing process, particularly for companies amid their IIoT journey. They bridge the gap between partial automation and full-scale integration, offering quick data integration, faster decision-making, data validation, empowerment of workers, and a holistic understanding of your operations.  


At Automation Intellect, we comprehend the evolving needs of the manufacturing industry and provide solutions that enhance your IIoT journey. To learn more about how manual entry screens and our other solutions can benefit your manufacturing process, schedule a free demo! 


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