The True Cost of Waiting on Industry 4.0 Initiatives

As manufacturers debate about when to implement Industry 4.0 initiatives, they need to consider the most fundamental and costly issues they deal with every day: poor quality and downtime. 

For the majority of manufacturers, the total cost of poor quality can range between 10% and 20% of a company’s total revenues. Meanwhile, the cost of downtime can be as high as $22,000 per minute. 

Industry 4.0 technologies that provide real time machine performance insight enable organizations to quickly identify the cause of poor quality and machine downtime and make improvements. 

As a result, manufacturers waiting on transformative IIOT technologies are losing out on massive financial and operational gains, not to mention the risk of falling behind the competition. 

Here is a real customer example of how even a modest increase in OEE can impact a manufacturers’ bottom line.








Manufacturers can’t afford to wait to implement these revenue boosting technologies, which is why Automation Intellect developed a pre-built analytics solution that can be installed in just days, with an average of 5% OEE improvement realized in as little as 30 days.   

Benefits of Automation Intellect Industry 4.0 Software:

  • Real time insight into downtime and part quality  
  • Fast implementation and ROI
  • Connects to existing machines, devices and systems
  • Scalable and flexible
  • Built in analytics 
  • Predictive alerts


Manufacturing leaders using Automation Intellect are finding success starting with a Proof of Concept approach and then scaling rapidly across the plant. During this phase, tangible results and ROI are realized quickly, in order to make the business case for scaled rollouts. While the roll out is in process, the organization is already realizing substantial cost savings that can start at a single machine or one line.